Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Shadow of Loving Zeal > Page 6


The Shadow of Love's Zeal

Responding to Jealousy

Page 6

See, there is a biblical principle that advises us on how to respond even to the hurt of love and fidelity being questioned:

Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good.

*Romans 12.21 (MSG)

Likewise, we have sagacious advice on aligning ourselves with love and helpfulness, even toward one who seeks to hurt us:

"Do you really love life?
Do you want to be happy?
Then stop saying cruel things
and quit telling lies.
Give up your evil ways
and do right,
as you find and follow
the road that leads
to peace.
The Lord watches over
everyone who obeys him,
and he listens
to their prayers.
But he opposes everyone
who does evil."
Can anyone really harm you for being eager to do good deeds?

*I Peter 3.10-13 (CEV)

What is this principle? Translated, this passage informs us that we block access to Spirit, communication with the Divine, when we engage in hostility and harmfulness. When we "follow the road that leads to peace," we stay aligned with Good and with spiritual Blessing. When we retaliate to harm with harm, we align ourselves with the absence of Love, which is love-lessness. God cannot and will not bless our engaging in harm toward anyone from our inferiority feelings of jealousy and rage - whether that rage comes over as a polite, even "sacred," silence or an outwardly aggressive hostility.

Remember, two final matters. First, when anyone is held in suspicion of or accused of infidelity, two parties are sinned against. The person accused of infidelity is sinned against, as well as anyone esteemed to be in compliance with the supposed unfaithfulness. Secondly, while God gives grace to respond lovingly to hurtful barbs of jealousy, we must make a conscious choice to be open and willing to act Christlike. If we are not determined, negative emotional reactions will creep in and soon imprison us in bitterness and, likely, some form of retaliation.


1) Have you ever seen jealousy run rampant among Christians in a church? What were the consequences?

2) Do you have jealousy toward anyone? If so, pray about that and seek Divine forgiveness and healing. If you need, confess to the person - this needs to be done when you have accused the person directly.

3) Have you ever suffered unjust suspicion, accusation, and hostility from someone you love? Pray for that person to receive forgiveness, healing, and blessing.

4) Has someone been hostile to you? How might you turn that to good by expressing goodwill to him or her?

5) Do you consider that Jesus was hurt deeply by the suspicions and accusations against him by those jealous of him? Or do you conclude he was not bothered by it? Explain your response.

6) Are there areas in your life where you are being challenged to overcome harm with good? Pray for the Spirit to illumine you to see how you might have the Christlikeness to respond in a way that will please God.

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*This writing ministry is the offering of Rev. Dr. Brian K. Wilcox, of SW Florida, a Pastor in the United Methodist Church, and Senior Chaplain for the Charlotte County Jail, Punta Gorda, FL. To contact Brian, write to barukhattah@embarqmail.com .

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Shadow of Loving Zeal > Page 6

©Brian Wilcox 2024